Colours Indian School

We have tailored our admissions procedure to be as efficient as possible: once you have completed and returned your application form, we shall do the rest!

The breakdown of our admissions procedure is as follows:

✦ For each child who are seeking to enroll , families complete an application form , which serves as a clear statement of your interest in registering with us and return to the school along with prescribed documents .

2) Using the information you provide on the application form, we contact the student’s current or former school and request the following information (If required): School reports or a transcript, usually for the previous three academic years

References: At least two, but usually three – from English and Math teachers and the School Principal.

3) We will contact you to organize interactive sessions in English and Math , usually held at CIS. An interview may be required.

4) Our Admissions Committee will meet to consider your application and review the application form, school reports/transcripts, references, and performance in interactive sessions.
It is vital to us that CIS is a good fit for your child and for your family, so we may contact you for additional information if we have for any outstanding queries at this stage.

5) The Admission officer will issue written notification of  acceptance.
6) School Bus Facilities are Available
7)No home work for Grade 1 and  Grade 2

The Academic Year begins in April and ends in March.

Admission Age Requirement:
Grade I 5.5 Years
Grade II 6.5 Years
Grade III 7.5 Years
Grade IV 8.5 Years
Grade V 9.5 Years